in 60 days

without spending your valuable work hours deciding what to post, the crippling fear of sharing your work online, and the way-out-of-your-budget cost of marketing directors, brand specialists, and web designers.


If you’re an ONLINE ENTREPRENEUR, SERVICE PROFESSIONAL, COACH, OR CONSULTANT looking to gain more customers while creating more income + joy in your business, then you probably already know that finding the Perfect Customer is the difference between business owners that love what they do and business owners that loathe what they do.

As a courtesy, I’ll spare you the lengthy explanations. 

After all, you probably already know the internet can be a huge asset to your business and bottom line, and ultimately, the impact you make in the marketplace. You know a marketing plan and consistent messaging would leverage your business for growth. 

So it doesn’t surprise me at all you know your perfect customers do exist.


A clear understanding of your
Perfect Customer gives you the opportunity to:

  • Charge Higher Rates

    Higher prices will allow you to free up time and raise the perceived value of your brand. By being able to charge higher prices, you can be selective about who you work with and what you allow because money will no longer be the driving issue in your business.

  • Further Scale Your Business

    When you know your perfect customer, not only does your time multiply, but it gives your business directional trajectory, no longer sinking money into ventures and ideas that fall flat and lose your business money.

  • Leverage a Marketing Plan that Increases Your Reach + Impact

    Knowing and speaking to your perfect customer will immediately niche your business, giving you an (almost unfair) advantage over businesses that do not. This can potentially lead to speaking engagements, affiliate opportunities, book deals, and teaching opportunities.

  • Access New Networks

    Customers that rave about your products will open doors to their own networks and lead to even more audience and revenue growth. Expansive growth gives business owners the opportunity to hire employees and create their own schedules - ultimately allowing them to spend time where their heart is. 

  • Focus on Product Creation and Innovation

    The world is rapidly changing and with it, people’s interests and needs. When you open up time in your busy schedule for product creation, innovation, and development, you guarantee staying in “blue ocean” rather than simply trying to keep up with competition. Your creativity and genius is what allowed you to begin a business in the first place, don’t let the time warp of running it squelch what you can potentially offer the world.


But where the heck do I even find them?!

Perhaps this is true for you.
You took the bold leap to become a business owner, believing that when you shared your offer online, your audience and network would rave.
Your perfect customers would come out of every nook and cranny and your business would grow creating the financial security your day job offered and more.  

To your disappointment, most of your online sharing is met with silence (*or cringe*, confusion) and growing your business feels like running in mud. You know the pros say to just keep showing up, so you follow their lead.

Month after month you share, post, and video, only to keep getting clients and customers who always want discounts, complain, or the worst, want you to copy something from Pinterest! You feel like you’re pushing your business for no return. 

You’re savvy though, so you decide to get strategic. Surely everything you need to know can be found on Google. A dozen Google searches and hours worth of social media rabbit holes later, you realize information about finding your perfect customers isn’t clear or readily available. 

You’re frustrated, and rightfully so.

Even if you did follow the lead of every social media influencer account in your industry or Google search, how do you know what is good information and what is not? You’re still small, so how do you even make all this time spent worth it? 

And maybe if you’re super committed, knowing how important finding your perfect customer is to your business, you seek help from a marketing company only to realize their monthly rate is 3x MORE than you’re paying yourself! 

You shut your computer screen in despair, convincing yourself the merry-go-round of never knowing what to share, then feeling insecure when you do finally share, only to gain a customer you don’t love working with, and back to never knowing what to share… may never end.  

Your time is worth more than the constant merry-go-round of insecurity. 

But without a clear blueprint for finding your perfect customer (and someone holding your hand, guiding you, and tailoring the blueprint to your business), you’ll surely get lost in the inter-webs, digging through information that doesn’t fit your business.

You’ll fall victim to spending valuable work hours deciding what to post, the crippling fear of sharing your work online, and the sky high price tag of marketing directors, brand specialists, and web designers.

Here’s why falling prey to this loop is so dangerous:

You’re a busy entrepreneur and your time equals dollars. As the wearer-of-all-the-hats, you have projects to complete, products to make and ship, customers to serve, and perhaps even a day-job to work. 

You literally do not have the luxury of wasting time or throwing the proverbial “spaghetti” (aka - your attempts at online content) at the wall hoping something sticks. 

In short, finding your perfect customers (because they do exist) is one of the only things that matters in your business. 

Luckily for you though, there are actually very few business owners that even know their businesses are dying without this, much less are doing it. 

In all likelihood, your competitors are on the same merry-go-round of ineffectiveness, postulating success, or even yuckier, buying followers who are in no way their perfect customer”. 

Which means…. 

Even if you’re brand new to business ownership, there’s a golden opportunity for you to skip the merry-go-round and learn timeless strategies to build a business based on serving your perfect customers. 

(and how to stop believing them.)


Any content is good content.

Content is secondary; the customer, on the other hand, is priority.

When you're focused on a secondary area, you’re going to feel stalled. It’s like trying to frame a house when you haven’t built the foundation! Focusing on your customer gives you freedom to create content that isn’t just good, but perfect for their ears.

And you 100% have the ability to create amazing content that speaks and compels your perfect customers, you just need the blueprint.


When you work hard enough, your perfect customers will eventually show up. 

What is work anyways if it’s not focused and directed at a goal?

You can work all day to build a building but until your foundation is set, the pieces aren’t going to connect correctly and worse, the building is subject to fall at any moment.

When you have the right foundation your “building” is going to be strong and serve those using it well.


Paid ads are the only way to get customers online.

Paid ads are a way to get customers online, not the only way.

Knowing your perfect customer assures that you have a steady flow of customers, regardless of how small you’re starting out. 

You don’t need a huge budget (or any budget at all) for paid ads to grow your business online.

If you do the critical work of learning your perfect customer, when it’s time to implement paid ads, you’ll exponentially increase your reach knowing exactly who you are serving. It actually works to your advantage to skip the paid ads early on and focus on organic growth.


You're not tech savvy enough to be online.

You say it often, “I just don’t understand technology.”

Figuring out which platform to go all-in on is confusing and frankly, you don’t know where to begin or how to be effective.

And while there are millions of ways we can grow our business online, the truth is, if you can operate your tablet or smart phone, you can grow your business online, tech savvy or not. 

Can you believe it? The power to find and serve your perfect customers has been in your pocket all along.


My business is too small to have any strategy or focused techniques. 

There’s a real chance you feel like a small fish in a big pond, but to your audience you are anything but.

Instead of continuing to flounder between Google searches and unhelpful voices, a strategic system for understanding your perfect customer will almost instantly increase your reach and sales.

Even though technology rapidly changes and the internet is saturated with opinions - many sellers do not have a firm footing on their marketing strategies, causing them to constantly be tossed around with each algorithm adjustment or platform update. 

Some seem to have overnight success, while most fizzle out over tech frustrations and exhaustion from lack of growth.

The main reason for this, as you’ve likely experienced yourself, is there are a million ways to grow your business online and voices trying to coach you…. 

… but scattering your attention on ever-changing online techniques, paid ads, and inorganic growth will lead to fizzling out.

If you can avoid the online nonsense that tanks most would-be entrepreneurs and focus on the timeless art of serving your current audience and honing your Perfect Customers, the foundation is set for your profitable business to grow.  

One that allows you to be innovative, create more income, is flexible to technology changes, and ultimately makes a mark on the marketplace.

The key ingredient in all of this is merging your brand’s messaging with your Perfect Customers. 

And with your permission, that’s what I love to show you how to do.


a powerful system for attracting customers that pay for your work (again and again!)

I’ve taken the most important marketing techniques I’ve learned in my 7 years of entrepreneurship and channeled them into a comprehensive system that is easy to implement and teaches you how to attract your perfect customers over and over.

From those 7 years, I've experienced many failures, but also many successes. Those lessons have paved the way for a clear blueprint for finding your perfect customer. It's not rocket science (even though it feels that way sometimes), but it's okay to need help and someone guiding you, showing you the way.

Not only will the blueprint walk you through the process of learning your Perfect Customer, it will be tailored to your unique business through one-on-one coaching and feedback.

The PERFECT CUSTOMER BLUEPRINT is the ONLY program of its kind that…

1. Shows you the right content will attract your Perfect Customers every time.
Your business needs a clear process for creating content and that's exactly what Perfect Customer Blueprint gives, and not only creation, but delivery of that content, too.

2. Uses technique to guide you toward the right type of work.
Everything in your business should align with your messaging and the Perfect Customer Blueprint holds your hand and shows you exactly how to do that. A successful business isn't just built on hard work, but it's necessary to understand the best businesses are doing the right type of work.

3. Fosters organic growth over paid ads.
Organic growth is the most profitable strategy because it insures a steady flow of the Perfect Customers and this timeless system assures you will be able to shift and continue your business. 

4. Gives you step-by-step guides in the technology that is most critical for your business.
Tech should not serve as the end-all obstacle in your business building efforts and you can relax because your tech questions and difficulties can be solved. 

5. Builds a timeless strategy for service-based and product-based businesses that is tailored to your specific business, regardless of its size.
The businesses that do this, small or large, will have an edge over their competition.

So if you’re ready to finally do learn your
and start closing sales and booking clients that bring you JOY while avoiding the merry-go-round of business owner exhaustion

here's how I'll help you get here:

Module 1

Develop Your Mindset: Set the Stage for Results

Hit the start line because it's time to develop an affirmative statement that drives the motivation behind why you work. To understand what you do is not actually what you do is an important step in creating a product or service that really changes people's lives.

You'll use this module to dig deep to define exactly how you serve and not just what you sell. You must know that you are called and right for this work.

Module Highlights:

  • Recognize you are called to this work and here as both an act of worship and an act of service.

  • Implement a system for your environment that will help further clear your mind and set your business plan and course efforts up for success. 
  • Succinctly define “what you do” which is found in how you serve, not what product you sell. 
  • A guide for developing confidence in your area of service that will set your business apart from the competition.
  • Create an affirmative statement that drives your motivation to show up every day and do the important work of growing your business.
Module 2

Create Your Unique Perfect Customer Profile

Your Perfect Customer Profile will be a tool you use for every other element of your business. It truly is such an important aspect of your business development and growth. While you may have objections to the Perfect Customer profile, you’ll learn how who you serve goes perfectly in line with what you do. You’ll validate that your Perfect Customer is in fact looking for what you offer and you’ll hone your offers to perfectly tailor to his/her needs. 

Module Highlights:

  • We’ll dispel common objections that typically float around conversations about the Perfect Customer because without it, your business will be misaligned.
  • A questionnaire will guide your thoughts toward understanding your Perfect Customer more intimately.
  • When you develop what you do, you can better formulate who you serve and how your services go hand-in-hand with your Perfect Customer profile.
  • Use your unique industry or business to verify how to fit this practice into your own business as quickly as possible.
  • Work through a validation that your profile accurately fits who your Perfect Customer is in real interviews with real people.
Module 3

Perfectly Aligning Your Brand Style 

A brand style that perfectly aligns with what you do and who you serve further aligns and tightens your messaging. The worst thing a business owner can do is neglect their Brand Style for the sake of what’s in style or popular.

We’ll conquer this with universal templates and identifying the bare bones of your business in order to clear you mind and unclutter your messaging. 

Module Highlights:

  • Discover what draws you to brands you love and how to use that inspiration in your own business.
  • How to perfectly price your products in order to increase perceived value and the effect price has on your brand identity.
  • Identifying the bare bones of your business and cleaning up the clutter in your style and messaging.
  • Create a simple style board that you can repeatedly use for any aspect of your business. 
  • How to create universal templates for any area of your business based on your brand style.
Module 4

How to Consistently Close Sales and The Closed Sale Flowchart

You don’t have a business apart from sales, so this is an incredibly important module. You'll be amazed at how sales easily begin to come in just in implementing the four previous modules, but investigating how your business can run better and more smoothly will allow you to scale in the future.

While sales may be floating in without th ePerfect Customer Blueprint, this module is sure to act as a guide to what you’re potentially scalability is within the business you run right now. 

Module Highlights:

  • You’ll learn the benefit of content and how that converts to sales
  • The secrets of knowing your perfect customer and selling and the way the two are intimately connected.
  • Learn how to implement the conversations and feedback you’re receiving right now and use it to create mini masterminds.
  • Create a closed sale flowchart based on the unique elements of your business to remove the hustle and bustle around closing a sale without anything falling through the cracks.
Module 5

Create Your Unique Perfect Customer Profile

Your Perfect Customer Profile will be a tool you use for every other element of your business. It truly is such an important aspect of your business development and growth. While you may have objections to the Perfect Customer profile, you’ll learn how who you serve goes perfectly in line with what you do. You’ll validate that your Perfect Customer is in fact looking for what you offer and you’ll hone your offers to perfectly tailor to his/her needs. 

Module Highlights:

  • We’ll dispel common objections that typically float around conversations about the Perfect Customer because without it, your business will be misaligned.
  • A questionnaire will guide your thoughts toward understanding your Perfect Customer more intimately.
  • When you develop what you do, you can better formulate who you serve and how your services go hand-in-hand with your Perfect Customer profile.
  • Use your unique industry or business to verify how to fit this practice into your own business as quickly as possible.
  • Work through a validation that your profile accurately fits who your Perfect Customer is in real interviews with real people.


Start the Perfect Customer Blueprint and if in 30 days you're not completely satisfied, send me your Module 1-2 work and proof that you've attempted to implement the Perfect Customer strategies.

We guarantee that once inside you'll realize the incredible value of the course and the community, so much so, that within Module 1 you'll have an opportunity to gain 3 new leads before Module 2 starts.

If work and implementation is submitted by email and Perfect Customer Blueprint is within 30 days of purchase, a full refund will be given. 

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The Complete Perfect Customer Blueprint Training Program - $697 Value

  • Bonus #1: The Right Business Start Up Guide - All About How to Start the Right Business and Eliminate Topic Confusion - $97 Value
  • Bonus #2: Private, Members only Facebook Group for 8 weeks of community + accountability - $297 Value
  • Bonus #3: Up to 6 One-on-One Q&A 30 Minute Consultation Sessions for Clarity and Troubleshooting (1/2 hour per session) - $597 Value

Total Value: $1,688

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $1,688

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

3 monthly payments of $183.50 



Pay in Full for 10% Off

One-time Payment
of $497 


Frequently Asked Questions

Questions you may have before enrolling in Perfect Customer Blueprint.

The course material and bonuses will be valuable to you when you do decide to launch your business. As a founding member you will have lifetime access to the material in the course. Due to the self-paced, drip schedule, you're able to complete the modules at your own speed. As a business owner, it would be wise to retake Perfect Customer Blueprint each year to refresh your business and determine whether you are staying on track. As Perfect Customer Blueprint is edited or updated, you will receive the updates at no additional price.

The beautiful part of technology is that even if you don't know how to use a particular area of technology, someone else does. You'll have access to the Founder's Community where you can ask questions and seek advice on tech issues or troubleshooting. 

The fast paced world we live in currently allows you to run a business from your pocket, which means, if you can use a phone, you're able to implement online strategies for your business. Any step or strategy in this course can be slowly implemented. This isn't a race, and whatever pace you need to learn at is allowed. 

Content creation for online businesses can feel like a hamster wheel at times. Perfect Customer Blueprint gives you strategies and "hacks" to super-speed, batch, and reuse your content. These tactics will simply your system and assure you never sit staring blankly at your screen wishing you could think of words to market your service or product.

If you've been in business for any amount of time, there's a real possibility you've been told you need to create an ICA, or Ideal Customer Avatar. I was told the same things, but what I found was that it limited what I was able to do in my business instead of expanding it. The Perfect Customer Blueprint assures that all elements of your business are driven, not only on an avatar you can imagine, but on a formula for using that Perfect Customer Profile to drive your business' messaging.

Included in your bonuses is a one-on-one weekly coaching appointment with Jordan. This half hour session will tailor the techniques you're learned in the Perfect Customer Blueprint to verify that it is accurately being applied to your unique business. 

Bonus #1 will be released following Module 3. This bonus will show up in your Course Library and can be accessed by using your unique login on themarkedco.mykajabi.com.

Bonus #2 and Bonus #3 will be sent via the email that you enroll with. These bonuses will include links to join the private Founder's Only Facebook group and a Calendy link to access Jordan's calendar to schedule your weekly coaching session.

When you purchase the Perfect Customer Blueprint as a Founding Member, you'll receive:

The Complete Perfect Customer Blueprint Training Program - $497 Value (Modules dripped weekly, starting July 13th)

  • Bonus #1: The Right Business Start Up Guide - All About How to Start the Right Business and Eliminate Topic Confusion - $97 Value (Will be added to Course Library August 3rd)
  • Bonus #2: Private, Founding Members only Facebook Group for 8 weeks of community + accountability - $297 Value (Link will be emailed following enrollment to join Facebook Community)
  • Bonus #3: One-on-One Weekly Live Q&A Sessions for Clarity and Troubleshooting (1/2 hour per session) - $597 Value (Links will be emailed to book weekly 30 minute sessions via Calendy)

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The Complete Perfect Customer Blueprint Training Program - $697 Value

  • Bonus #1: The Right Business Start Up Guide - All About How to Start the Right Business and Eliminate Topic Confusion - $97 Value
  • Bonus #2: Private, Members only Facebook Group for 8 weeks of community + accountability - $297 Value
  • Bonus #3: Up to 6 One-on-One Q&A 30 Minute Consultation Sessions for Clarity and Troubleshooting (1/2 hour per session) - $597 Value

Total Value: $1,688

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $1,688

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

3 monthly payments of $183.50 



Pay in Full for 10% Off

One-time Payment 
of $497 


Perfect Customer Blueprint is PERFECT for you if…

  1. You are just getting started and want to market your business right the first time.
  2. You fear charging what you believe you're worth.
  3. You consistently take customers or clients that ask for discounts or your work free.
  4. You are wanting to leave a full-time career or "day job" with a business you start.
  5. You have a business idea (or a few), but are not sure which to go all-in on.
  6. You want a learning expereince, but also want a coach guiding you in the direction your business needs to go.
  7. You fear launching or sharing your products or services online for fear of what other people will think of you.
  8. You recognize your messaging, branding, and offers are misaligned and sometimes confusing to your customers.
  9. You are ready to take 100% action to make sure you close customers and clients that repurchase or share your work.

If you said “yes” to 4-5 of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside Perfect Customer Blueprint!

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The Complete Perfect Customer Blueprint Training Program - $697 Value

  • Bonus #1: The Right Business Start Up Guide - All About How to Start the Right Business and Eliminate Topic Confusion - $97 Value
  • Bonus #2: Private, Members only Facebook Group for 8 weeks of community + accountability - $297 Value
  • Bonus #3: Up to 6 One-on-One Q&A 30 Minute Consultation Sessions for Clarity and Troubleshooting (1/2 hour per session) - $597 Value

Total Value: $1,688

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $1,688

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

3 monthly payments of $183.50 



Pay in Full for 10% Off

One-time Payment 
of $497 


50% Complete

Two Step

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