Title Card for Blog Entry: An Ounce Becomes An Ocean

Simple Poetry: An Ounce Becomes An Ocean

life purpose work and worship Sep 13, 2022

Spend a courageous ounce.
A small, deliberate action is insignificant,
But the Spirit of God is the One who,
With an ounce, is diligent.

Not a drop is lost,
Every ounce accounted for.
Your care, your fear, your sadness. 
I know, it feels severe.

The ounce you spend,
Grasping it tenderly to His chest,
Into a cup of mercy,
Your ounce He will bend.

Your feeble effort can rest
Because His faithfulness,
When faithlessness feels near,
Strengthens each ounce you bring here. 

Just one, courageous ounce,
You know it’s hardly much.
But an ounce becomes an ocean
When met with the King’s touch.

Written August 11, 2022

Marked for Christ,